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John Calvin

- Keith Randell - Access To History: John Calvin and the Later Reformation 👍
- Ages Digital Library (J. Calvin) 👍- CD purchase (^)
- Anthony N.S. Lane - Calvin and Bernard of Clairvaux ^
- BBC - Calvinism (M Bragg - audio)
- Carl Trueman & Bruce Gordon Oxford Handbook of Calvin and Calvinism 👍(video) ^
- Cornelius van Til - Calvin as a Controversialist
- Desiring God Conference Discussion On The Life Of John Calvin (video)
- Francois Wendel - Calvin The Origins And Development Of His Religious Thought 👍(^)
- Jon Balserak - Calvinism: A Very Short Introduction (3:50 mins. video)^
- Mike Reeves - Introducing... John Calvin (3 audio messages)
- Misc. - John Calvin & Calvinism👍
- Misc. (Covenant Protestant Reformed Church)
- Over 2,000 book chapters, articles, theses and dissertations on Calvin available in Open Digital Theological Library 👍
- Search - Credo Magazine
- Search - Princeton
- Search - Standard Bearer
- Talking Different Languages: John Calvin on Genesis 1 and Science
- Tim Enloe - Bernard of Clairvaux: A Forerunner of John Calvin? ^
- Wikipedia
- Paul W. Fields - Calvin Bibliography 2019 👍
- Book Review: A Life of John Calvin by McGrath
- Dr. C. Trueman - Brevity and Clarity: John Calvin the Theologian
- Dr. Curt Daniel - History and Theology of Calvinism (audio)
- EKD (German)
- P Schaff (scroll)
- Paul Helm - John Calvin's Ideas (2004)
- Theopedia - John Calvin
- Thomas J. Davis - Spiritual Leaders and Thinkers - John Calvin
- Timothy George - John Calvin: Comeback Kid
- Timothy George - Theology of the Reformers (google books; scroll for Calvin)
- Tony Lane - The Quest for the Historical Calvin
- Dr. Jack L. Arnold - From Second reform in Geneva to Death (1541-1564) ^
- Dr Carl R. Trueman - Calvin as Reformer (audio)
- Dr. A. Mohler - John Calvin Preacher and Teacher (video)
- Dr. Jack L. Arnold - From Birth to Strassburg (1509-1541)
- Dr. Jack L. Arnold - Another Side of John Calvin
- Dr. N. Needham - The Life & Theology of John Calvin (1 - audio)
- Dr. N. Needham - The Life & Theology of John Calvin (2 - audio)
- Dr. N. Needham - The Life & Theology of John Calvin (3 - audio, incl. Q&A)
- Emile Doumergue - Iconographie calvinienne
- Ford Lewis Battles - The Piety of John Calvin
- Glenn J. Clary - John Calvin: Servant of the Word
- Hastings Eells - Martin Bucer and the Conversion of John Calvin 📖(scroll)
- Idelette de Bure - Wife of Calvin
- J. H. Alexander - Idelette de Bure Wife of Calvin
- James MacKinnon - Calvin and the Reformation ^
- Jeremy Walker - An Outline of the Life of John Calvin
- John Calvin: Father of Calvinism (1)
- John Calvin: Father of Calvinism (2)
- Jon Balserak - John Calvin’s authority as a prophet (extract only)^
- P Helm - Calvin and Bolsec
- Petite galerie de portraits de Calvin^^
- Rev. J. L. Van Popta - John Calvin: a man of compassion
- T. H. L. Parker - Portrait of Calvin 👍(^)
- Theodore Beza - The Life of John Calvin 👍(^)
- William Barry - John Calvin
- William Wileman - An Estimate of Calvin’s Character^
- Williston Walker - John Calvin: The Organiser of Reformed Protestantism ^ (*)
- Crime and Punishment in Calvin's Geneva between February 1562 and February 1563
- Dr. Olivier Fatio - Pastor of Geneva (Christianity Today)
- Ecclesiastical Ordinances - Basel and Geneva
- Ecclesiastical Ordinances 👍(Short Extract)
- Geneva adopts the Reformation
- Jeffrey R. Watts - The Consistory (scroll)
- John Calvin's "Two Kingdoms" Theology
- Jordan Ballor, W. Bradford Littlejohn - European Calvinism: Church Discipline
- P Schaff - The Ecclesiastical Ordinances
- Steve C. Halbrook - Theonomy, History, and Freedom: Part 1: Calvin's Geneva
- The Diaconal Care of Non-Poor Christians (2): The Example of Calvin's Geneva: The Hospital
Michael Servetus (1511-1553)
- Bullinger Defends Calvin on the Execution of Servetus ^
- Justin Taylor - Calvin and Servetus ^
- M Servetus - Online ^
- Mark Talbot - The Servetus Affair The Story of Calvin and His Critics ^
- Michael Servetus: Christianismi Restitutio ^
- P Schaff - Servetus: His Life, Opinions, Trials, and Execution ^
- Robert Willis - Servetus and Calvin. A Study pf an Important Epoch in the Early History of the Reformation>
- Roland H. Bainton - Hunted Heretic: The Life and Death of Michael Servetus (book for purchase) ^
- The Servetus Affair (subscribe for access) ^
- Tim Challies - The Servetus Problem ^
- W Cunningham - Calvin and Servetus ^
- Wikepedia Entry - Servetus ^
- William Wileman - Calvin and Servetus ^
- 10.4.1562 - Epistles Introductory To the 1562 Geneva Bible (^)
- Calvin's Preface to the Psalter - From Geneva, this 10th of June, 1543 (^)
- God Rules - John Calvin's Writings
- J Calvin - A Treatise on Relics
- John Calvin - The Epistle To The Reader - Strasbourg, 1st August 1539 (^)
- John Calvin - 1536 - Prefatory Address to King Francis I of France (^)
- John Calvin - Acts of the Council of Trent with the Antidote (^)
- John Calvin - Commentaries (^)
- John Calvin - Commentaries ^
- John Calvin - Sermons on Ephesians 👍 (^)
- John Calvin - The Epistle Dedicatory To Simon Grynaeus (Strasbourg, 18th October 1539) 👍
- Letters - volume 1 (👍)
- Letters - volume 2 (👍)
- Letters - volume 3 (👍)
- Letters - volume 4 (👍)
- Post-Reformation Digital Library (👍)
- Psalm 119 - 22 Sermons by John Calvin^
- Psalm 87 - 4 sermons by J Calvin^
- Psychopannychia (Soul Sleep) Treatise
- Psychopannychia (Soul Sleep) Treatise^
- Sermons on Deuteronomy
- Sermons on Psalm 119
- The Catechism of the Church of Geneva (^)
- The Frenc Confession - 1559 (^)
- Works of John Calvin👍 ^^
- Jon Balserak - Corrections to Battles' translation of Calvin's Institutes ^
- 1539 - The Epistle to the Reader [prefixed to 2nd -> Strasburg in 1539]
- 1541 - Paul Helm Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1541
- 1559 Outline (Latin Edition) - prepared by D Schneider ^
- 1559 Outline John Calvin - The Institutes broad (D Schneider)
- 1559 Outline John Calvin - The Institutes detailed (D Schneider)^
- Anthony Lane - A Reader's Guide to Calvin's Institutes (purchase)^^
- Audio Recording of the Institutes^
- Audio Recording of the Institutes^ - alternative link
- B. B. Warfield - The Literary History Of The Institutes Of The Christian Religion By John Calvin^
- D Schneider - Class Notes - John Calvin - 1536 Edition of the Christian Institutes (Overview) ^
- David Calhoun - Calvin’s Institutes (Lectures - auido and notes)
- David Woollin - The Development and Impact of John Calvin’s ‘Institutes of the Christian Religion’ ^^
- Derek Thomas - 6 Tips for Reading Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion^^
- Dutch - Institutie ofte onderwiisinghe in de Christelicke religie^
- French - Institution de la religion chrestienne^
- G.E. Duffield - Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion ^
- German - Unterricht in der christlichen Religion, Otto Weber ^^
- Henry Beveridge - Institutes of the Christian Religion (audio)^
- Henry Beveridge - Institutes of the Christian Religion John Calvin A New Translation^^
- Index (Links) to Calvin's Institutes [Henry Beveridge]
- J I Packer - Calvin's Institutes (essay, v.g.) ^
- John Murray - Introduction
- Justin Taylor - Why and How to Read Calvin’s Institutes^^
- Mark Thompson’s questions and a reading plan^^
- Olevian - Method and Arrangement
- Prefatory Address to King Francis I 👍of France (^)
- Russian - Наставление в христианской вере^^
- Spanish - The Institutes
- Translations - Henry Beveridge
- Translations - Henry Beveridge
- Translations - John Allen
- Wikipedia - Institutes of the Christian Religion^
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